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ReadwiseBook dataclass

Represents a Readwise book.


Name Type Description
id str

The book's ID.

title str

The book's title.

author str

The book's author.

category str

The book's category.

source str

The book's source.

num_highlights int

The number of highlights for the book.

last_highlight_at datetime | None

The date and time of the last highlight for the book.

updated datetime | None

The date and time the book was last updated.

cover_image_url str

The URL of the book's cover image.

highlights_url str

The URL of the book's highlights.

source_url str

The URL of the book's source.

asin str

The book's ASIN.

tags list[ReadwiseTag]

The book's tags.

document_note str

The book's document note.

Source code in readwise/
class ReadwiseBook:
    Represents a Readwise book.

        id: The book's ID.
        title: The book's title.
        author: The book's author.
        category: The book's category.
        source: The book's source.
        num_highlights: The number of highlights for the book.
        last_highlight_at: The date and time of the last highlight for the book.
        updated: The date and time the book was last updated.
        cover_image_url: The URL of the book's cover image.
        highlights_url: The URL of the book's highlights.
        source_url: The URL of the book's source.
        asin: The book's ASIN.
        tags: The book's tags.
        document_note: The book's document note.

    id: str
    title: str
    author: str
    category: str
    source: str
    num_highlights: int
    last_highlight_at: datetime | None
    updated: datetime | None
    cover_image_url: str
    highlights_url: str
    source_url: str
    asin: str
    tags: list[ReadwiseTag]
    document_note: str

ReadwiseHighlight dataclass

Represents a Readwise highlight.


Name Type Description
id str

The highlight's ID.

text str

The highlight's text.

note str

The highlight's note.

location int

The highlight's location.

location_type str

The highlight's location type.

url str | None

The highlight's URL.

color str

The highlight's color.

updated datetime | None

The date and time the highlight was last updated.

book_id str

The ID of the book the highlight is from.

tags list[ReadwiseTag]

The highlight's tags.

Source code in readwise/
class ReadwiseHighlight:
    Represents a Readwise highlight.

        id: The highlight's ID.
        text: The highlight's text.
        note: The highlight's note.
        location: The highlight's location.
        location_type: The highlight's location type.
        url: The highlight's URL.
        color: The highlight's color.
        updated: The date and time the highlight was last updated.
        book_id: The ID of the book the highlight is from.
        tags: The highlight's tags.

    id: str
    text: str
    note: str
    location: int
    location_type: str
    url: str | None
    color: str
    updated: datetime | None
    book_id: str
    tags: list[ReadwiseTag]

ReadwiseTag dataclass

Represents a Readwise tag.


Name Type Description
id str

The tag's ID.

name str

The tag's name.

Source code in readwise/
class ReadwiseTag:
    '''Represents a Readwise tag.

        id: The tag's ID.
        name: The tag's name.

    id: str
    name: str